



Why We exist

We bring behavioural science to leadership, boosting emotional intelligence through a deeper understanding of human behaviour. Our programmes are designed to equip leaders with highly practical tools they can use that very same day, ensuring that the knowledge they gain translates into real-world impact.As one of our programme participants said, "In 25 years of leadership training, this is the first time I’ve felt like I can be a great leader."

When we collectively get this right and leaders thrive, amazing things happen:

  • Leaders become more resilient, adaptable and effective

  • Their organisations see increases in productivity, innovation and employee engagement

  • A positive ripple effect spreads beyond the workplace, fostering healthier, more balanced lives

We'd love you to join our mission to help leaders and work communities to work well and live better.Read on to hear more about who we help and what we do.




Who We Help

Ambitious Leaders

Leaders looking to develop their leadership through an understanding of behavioural science; it’s about learning how to thrive without adding more to your plate


Team Developers

Leaders looking to develop their team’s performance and reignite motivation through specialised and interactive workshops that enable positive and lasting change


HR and OD Professionals

Looking to enrich their existing or upcoming leadership and wider wellbeing programmes with informed insights and practical, ready-to-use tools for a thriving workplace




What We Do

Each session is tailored to your unique professional challenges and goals. We provide practical insights and actionable strategies that leverage the latest in behavioural science to enhance your efficiency, decision-making and performance as a leader.Coaching is typically offered in weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions within an agreed timeframe.


Our interactive workshops are crafted to foster a deep understanding of behavioural principles at work with practical tools that can be used the very same day. Our workshops can be run as ad-hoc sessions, bite-size learning programmes, or as part of a wider leadership programme.Our topics typically touch on: behaviour change and culture transformation, employee engagement, leadership, stress and resilience, high-performance, DEI, workplace wellbeing, and innovation and creativity.Examples of workshops include:

  • Nudge Your Way to High Performance: Small Changes, Big Impact

  • Behaviour by Design: Shaping Workplace Culture with Science

  • Feedback that Fuels: Using Behavioural Science to Inspire and Motivate




How We Work





Our Guiding Princples

Our guiding principles are immensely important to us; they define how we work with our clients to get the best outcomes.



A message from our founder

I'm Carys, the proud founder of Thriving Edge Performance. With two Masters degrees in HR and Psychology, and over a decade of experience in leading workplace transformations, I have dedicated my career to harnessing the power of behavioural science to create positive, impactful changes within organisations and for individuals.

I set up Thriving Edge Performance to bridge the gap between academic research and practical, real-world application. My passion lies in translating complex behavioural insights into accessible strategies that leaders and organisations can use to foster environments where creativity and productivity thrive.Our mission is to empower you and your leadership to cultivate ways of working that not only highten performance but also enrich the lives of every member.




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